If you were in any doubt, I can settle the question: fly Lufthansa. It was two years ago that I last crossed the Atlantic (on an American island that shall remain nameless), so some details may be hazy in my memory. Perhaps they didn't charge me for headphones to watch a movie in-flight, as they often do on domestic flights. But I think I would remember if they'd offered me multiple glasses of wine at no charge or coffee (which was delicious, if you were wondering) after dinner.
On Lufthansa, I did get those things.
Also, I do remember that two years ago, by the time they served dinner at my seat, they were out of pasta and so gave me chicken. I was still eating meat at that time, but only free range. So I didn't eat chicken, and I wasn't very happy about it. This time, I had pasta (it was also delicious. Everything was, actually, to save you the trouble of asking again). And it was served on a real plate and the meal included a brownie with half a strawberry and whipped cream for dessert.
Furthermore, the flight attendants are German on Lufthansa. They speak German to each other and have cool accents when they speak to me in English.
Finally (but actually first), I had too much luggage. The gentleman at the check-in counter (who should also remain nameless) let me check all my bags and gave me a break on the fees. My sister said that was a good omen. The second good omen was that my seat on the airplane was by the emergency exit and bathrooms and had excessive leg room. I was able to stretch out some and even sleep a little.
So the omens say this will be a good trip. And next time you're flying over the Atlantic, I suggest you consider Lufthansa. (No, they didn't pay me for this advertisement.)
Your Mom, Farley, is glad you are in such a wonderful country! Keep us all up to date on your progress and enjoy this opportunity!!!